By pursuing a master's degree in Merchandising at the University of North Texas, you will develop the skills needed to become an accomplished leader in today's global marketplace.
Career Opportunities
Hospitality management graduates are highly employable, applying their skills to careers in events, hotel and conference management, sales and business development and forestry and fishing management
Job options
Jobs directly related to your degree include:
Accommodation manager
Catering manager
Event manager
Fast food restaurant manager
Hotel manager
Public house manager
Restaurant manager
Jobs where your degree would be useful include:
Customer service manager
Human resources officer
Retail manager
Tour manager
Remember that many employers accept applications from graduates with any degree subject, so don't restrict your thinking to the jobs listed here.
Course Overview
The program offer course work leading to a Master of Science degree or a graduate academic certificate in Merchandising. Both programs can be completed entirely online. The curriculum teaches you how to solve complex problems, create new opportunities in competitive markets and understand the many components that support a successful consumer-driven business venture. It also integrates your educational experience and research with merchandising concepts and strategies. Many of the faculty members have been internationally recognized for their research and teaching by the American Textile Manufacturers Institute, the International Textile and Apparel Association, the American Collegiate Retailing Association and the European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies, among others.
Programme Structure As you progress through the program, you may work with a faculty member on funded, cutting-edge research projects, such as: Customer experience in the marketplace Lifestyle and ethnic influences on purchase motivations and product satisfaction Mobile commerce applications Multichannel retailing Sustainable retailing
Contact Details
University of Texas
Enquiry Form
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